The purpose of this programme is to introduce ākonga to the foundation skills and knowledge required to provide whānau centred support within the health and wellbeing sector. Ākonga will develop a range of competencies that ensure that kaimahi are safe to work at an entry level in a health and wellbeing setting.
This foundation programme is aimed at people who are;
beginning their journey in the health and wellbeing sector
working in the health and wellbeing sector with no formal qualifications
re-entering the workforce.
Graduates will be capable of working under general supervision and the programme will be taught through Māori pedagogies.
Course Information
For more information, please contact Mike Murray or download our brochure below:
To register your interest for any of our courses please complete our online form through the link below:
Download brochure for New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 2)
42 credits
Course Overview
US23451: Demonstrate knowledge of the role of a support worker in a health or wellbeing setting
US23686: Demonstrate knowledge of a person’s rights in a health or wellbeing setting
US28517: Recognise and report changes and risks for a person in a health or wellbeing setting
US28519: Maintain a safe and secure environment for people and support workers in a health or wellbeing setting
US28529: Identify the impact of culture on support in a health or wellbeing setting
US20826: Demonstrate knowledge of Infection control requirements in a health and wellbeing setting
US23925: Support, mentor, and facilitate a person to maximise independence in a health and wellbeing setting
US28518: Interact with people to provide support in a health or wellbeing setting
US28545: Apply personal plan requirements to meet the needs of a person in a health or wellbeing setting
Graduates of this programme will:
Perform entry-level person-centred tasks and functions in a health or wellbeing setting, providing culturally safe support.
Work within the responsibilities and boundaries of own role in a health and wellbeing setting.
Recognise and report health or wellbeing risks and changes in a person or their whānau and/or family.
Communicate in a culturally appropriate manner
This qualification provides a pathway for people to progress from secondary education, new learners wanting to work in a health or wellbeing related service or those wanting to re-enter the workforce in a health or wellbeing setting. Graduates may progress to the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) with strands in Health Assistance, Newborn Hearing Screening, Orderly Services, Support Work, Vision Hearing Screening and Whānau, Kin and Foster Care [Ref: 2470].
Entry Requirements
Eligible learners must be one of the following:
a NZ citizen, and if employed, must have the full support of the manager and company, and
have access to appropriate supervisors/mentors at work for work experience an on job activities
Please note: All eligible candidates will be interviewed prior to enrolment to ensure the programme is suitable and meets the needs of the candidates.