Ama Training Group is proud to be New Zealand owned and operated. Our Directors are well known in their respective
fields and are committed to developing a training organisation that focusses on the learner and the industry.
Ama Training is named after the "ama" or the “outrigger” of a waka ama or outrigger canoe. The ama of any waka keeps it balanced, upright and on the right path. This is our committment to our learners - we will support, guide, manaaki, awhi, tautoko and if need be, help to re-align getting you back on track.
Ama Training Group is the vision of Mike and Eileen Murray, who wanted to design and develop meaningful educational programmes with tangible outcomes focused on Maori and Pasifika whanau.
We are an organisation that is deeply committed to upskilling Maori & Pasifika people and give them the skills and knowledge that leads to meaningful employment.
Kia hakapakari i ngā kaimahi mā te kounga papai o te hakaako me te ū ki ngā āhuatanga o te ākonga.

Mike Murray B.Soc Sc. Dip T. Post Grad Dip MME
Managing Director

Eileen Murray
Mike is of Ngati Kuri and Rongomaiwahine descent and grew up in the small rural township of Te Hapua in the far north.
Mike has over 15 years experience in the education field having held senior leadership roles, his most recent being principal of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro in Kaitaia.
Mike is passionate about Maori achievement, and believes that the best way to achieve this is to teach from a kaupapa Maori context that develops innovation and creativity.
As a leader Mike bring his experience working in the public and private sectors and leads our leadership programmes. Specialising in Indigenous Leadership Frameworks and epistomologies Mike's leadership of Ama Training is second to none.
From a business perspective Mike has owned and operated an oyster farm, factory, processing and international exporting facility. Currently aswell as MD for Ama Training he is also owner/director of an Auckland based insulation company.
Eileen is of Ngati Tuwharetoa decent and has over 20 years’ experience in education field having most recently developed and managed the NZQA requirements for the Wharekura of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro in Kaitaia.
Eileen bring a wealth of experience to Ama Training group as a senior teacher, careers advisor and Principals Nominee, these roles fostering her on-going commitment to excellence for her students and is highly respected by her peers, the community and whanau.
As a co-owner of an oyster farm, processing and international exporting facility and recently an insulation business with Mike, Eileen also brings the skills and experience of running a fulltime business.
Ama Training Group has prioritised the recruitment of it’s Advisory Group to give impetus to the strategic priorities of the organisation to develop a skilled workforce through learner-centred, high quality training that meets the needs of both learner and industry.
Our advisory group members are:
Bentham Ohia - Ex CEO Te Wanaga o Aotearoa & current Interim CEO Skills Active ITO
Andrea “Andy” Blair - Geothermal Business Development Lead NZ, Director International Geothermal Association
Harry Burkhart - Chairperson of Ngāti Kuri trust Board & Director – Replas Plastic Recycling
Robbie Paul – Poumatua Waihanga Ararau (Construction and Infrastructure WDC)
Quincy Tangiau – Owner/Director Stronghold Group